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Democracy, Bureaucracy and Strategies for Change

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Can you help me answer or point me in the right direction with the attached questions (also below)?

From attached file:

Can you help me with some background information on the following questions.

1. Explain the proper role of a board of directors in the conduct of corporate affairs.

2. Describe the four competencies that determine the New Leadership

3. What are the requirements for a successful co-leader? Do you feel competent to be a co-leader?


1. Describe why Bennis claims that democracy is the only system compatible with constant/perpetual change.

2. Summarize the four relevant threats to bureaucracy and how your organization is affected by these threats, if at all.

Issues to Consider:

Do you have a "great group" in your organization? If not, please explain what obstacles stand in your way. If so, please describe how your achieved this status.


After completing this module, you should be able to do the following:

? Summarize when democracy becomes a functional necessity.
? Explain the term "organization man."
? Describe the anatomy of a bureaucracy.
? Identify the characteristics of a "great group."
? Define co-leadership.
? Explain the "Wallenda Factor"?


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Solution Summary

This solution explains several key issues and strategies for change, such as when democracy becomes a functional necessity, the definitions of the terms"organization man" and co-leadership. It also provides a description of the anatomy of a bureaucracy and the characteristics of a "great group."

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Please see response attached (also below), including one supporting Chapter also attached in separate file. I hope this helps and best of luck!


QUESTION: Can you help me with some background information on the following questions?

1. Explain the proper role of a board of directors in the conduct of corporate affairs.

The role of the board of directors of an organization - collectively - must concern themselves with certain specific areas:
? Strategy: the overall aims of the organization and the broad way in which it must set about achieving them;
? Policy: specific programs and actions in terms of the organization's operations, which will contribute to the overall achievement of the strategy;
? Resources: the financial, human, and technical resources necessary to implement the policies;
? Performance: the extent to which progress is made, through proper utilization of resources, towards fulfillment of policies and strategy.

2. Describe the four competencies that determine the New Leadership

The Four Competencies of Leadership, by Warren Bennis, from An Invented Life: Reflections on Leadership and Change
1. Management of attention (see p. 2 of attached Chapter for more detail)
2. Management of meaning (see p. 3 of attached Chapter)
3. Management of trust (see p. 4 of attached Chapter)
4. Management of self (see p. 4 of attached Chapter)

The Chapter explains each of these four competencies in full, which you can draw on.

3. What are the requirements for a successful co-leader? Do you feel competent to be a co-leader?

As a co-leader, you would probalby want to appeal to the same (or similar) traits as a leader. For example, Warren Bennis (1989) further explicated a dichotomy between managers and leaders. He drew twelve distinctions between the two groups:

· Managers administer, leaders innovate
· Managers ask how and when, leaders ask what and why
· Managers focus on systems, leaders focus on people
· Managers do things right, leaders do the right things
· Managers maintain, leaders develop
· Managers rely on control, leaders inspire trust
· Managers have a short-term perspective, leaders have a longer-term perspective
· Managers accept the status-quo, leaders challenge the status-quo
· Managers have an eye on the bottom line, leaders have an eye on the horizon
· Managers imitate, leaders originate
· Managers emulate the classic good soldier, leaders are their own person
· Managers copy, leaders show originality http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_leader#Co-leadership

You might want to check Bennis's definition, as I have not been able to locate a definition of co-leadership, other than then above dichotomy, and how the ...

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