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Money scenario

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I'm using this scenario which is attached. I need to make a management decision about how to fund my business. I have several options. I can borrow money, sell stock, or license the technology. Chose the type of funding which you prefer. Then, I need to write a 2-3 page report to introduce myself to potential lenders or investors. In this report, be sure to include the following:

Identify your preferred source of funds.
Describe your decision for choosing this form of funding.
Explain the pros and cons of your decision.
Describe one other possible option for this funding decision.

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I'm using this scenario which is attached. I need to make a management decision about how to fund my business. I have several options. I can borrow money, sell stock, or license the technology. Chose the type of funding which you prefer. Then, I need to write a 2-3 page report to introduce myself to potential lenders or investors. In this report, be sure to include the following:

Identify your preferred source of funds.
Since I am an inventor, and I have a great idea that requires funding. My product is unique and can meet the needs of the customer in a way that no other product can. I need money to set up a plant. The plant requires a lot of money but my net worth is not very high, so the best form of funding my business is through venture capital.
The reason for choosing venture capital is that a venture capitalist firm will be able to identify the novel technology that I have developed and recognize the potential for high commercial returns. As I do not have much managerial expertise, a venture capital firm will be able to help me in managing my company at it inception.
I ...

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