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GNMA mortgage pool payment, yield, servicing fee

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Consider a GNMA mortgage pool with principal of $20 million. The maturity is 30 years with a monthly mortgage payment of 10 percent per annum. Assume no prepayments.

a. What is the monthly mortgage payment (100 percent amortizing) on the pool of mortgages?
b. If the GNMA insurance fee is 6 basis points and the servicing fee is 44 basis points, what is the yield on the GNMA pass-through?
c. What is the monthly payment on the GNMA in part (b)?
d. Calculate the first monthly servicing fee paid to the originating FIs.
e. Calculate the first monthly insurance fee paid to GNMA.

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Solution Summary

GNMA mortgage pool payments, yields, and servicing fees for a financial institution is examined.

Solution provided by:
  • MBA, Indian Institute of Finance
  • Bsc, Madras University
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