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Training and Development in the Workplace

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I need some help with the following questions:

1. What are employee oriented styles?
2. What are the specific problems that are associated with development of executives, and why does coaching seem to deal with these problems?

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This solution of 480 words defines and discusses the characteristics of employee oriented styles. It also lists problems in the development of executives and how coaching affects this.

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1. There are a number of different management and leadership styles that have been developed in academic literature, and involve the approach or attitude taken by a manager or leader towards a business task or process. Examples of those styles include an authoritarian approach, task orientation, and employee orientation. In essence, employee orientation involves a manager or leader who has developed the necessary skills and abilities to utilize compassion and consideration towards his/her employees. In other terms, an employee oriented manager cares about the employees and is mostly concerned with their well-being and motivational framework. It is often referred to in the literature as a democratic style of management or leadership.

There are two identifiable examples of employee oriented ...

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