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Top Training Organizations

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Microsoft, Verizon, United States Navy and Farmers Insurance are the best of the best training organizations, according to Training Magazine (see the below for a link). Choose one of these companies, visit their website and describe how integrity and ethics play a role in their training program.

Be sure to address the following:

- How does the training function support organizational strategy at this organization?

- How does training provide a competitive advantage to this organization?

- What role do ethics and integrity play in training at this organization?

- What does this organization do differently that makes it one of the top 12 training companies in the U.S.?

- What do you think this organization could do to improve its training function further?

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Top training organizations are examined. How integrity and ethics plays a role in their training programs is determined.

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I have provided an outline of the information available on the company website, www.farmers.com.

How does the training function support organizational strategy at this organization?

Farmers takes pride in its ability to help clients with their insurance needs. They are a value based, performance driven, and learning organization. The company expects their employees to continue learning through education and through contact both internally and externally with others. To do this, their values are the standards they set for every day learning.

- How does training provide a competitive advantage to this organization?

Every person is part of the learning of the organization. Customer service, knowledge of the products, and ongoing education on both along with business and other areas are encouraged and offered. Those who are not graduates from accredited colleges and universities can have insurance experience or customer service experience. These applicants must be from industries where customer service is, as it says on the website, crucial. Helping customers understand and choose the appropriate products is essential to gaining respect and ongoing relationships.

The ongoing learning aspect ...

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