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Stopping/Slowing Identity Theft of Professors

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Joseph Wellington is a certified fraud examiner (CFE) and an active member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). He makes presentations to universities throughout the country as well as at professional conferences about the dangers and true occurrences of fraud. He has just been asked to review a case of identity theft of university professors. He has asked for your help because you are an expert in the field.

- In your opinion, what would be your plan to review the case of identity theft toward the university professors? Why?
- Do you think identity theft can be stopped? How would you propose to stop it or at least slow it down?

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Solution Summary

Joseph Wellington is a certified fraud examiner (CFE) and an active member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). He makes presentations to universities throughout the country as well as at professional conferences about the dangers and true occurrences of fraud. He has just been asked to review a case of identity theft of university professors. He has asked for your help because you are an expert in the field.

- In your opinion, what would be your plan to review the case of identity theft toward the university professors? Why?
- Do you think identity theft can be stopped? How would you propose to stop it or at least slow it down?

Solution Preview

Joseph Wellington is a certified fraud examiner (CFE) and an active member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). He makes presentations to universities throughout the country as well as at professional conferences about the dangers and true occurrences of fraud. He has just been asked to review a case of identity theft of university professors. He has asked for your help because you are an expert in the field.

- In your opinion, what would be your plan to review the case of identity theft toward the university professors? Why?
- Do you think identity theft can be stopped? How would you propose to stop it ...

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