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Space Electronics Corp: Differences between Task Significance and Case Analysis

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Are there any differences between Task Significance and Case Analysis Results? Are these differences valid?

How is the organization culture of the Space Electronics Corporation defined and what data did you use to make that judgment?

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The 722 word solution presents a good analysis of the differences between Task Significance and Case Analysis.

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Task Significance

The degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives of other people, whether in the same organization or in the external environment.

Task significance refers to how people like to feel that they have achieved something meaningful during his/her working day. It is important for them to see the importance of the tasks that are performed and how completion of these tasks contributes to the organization.

The way in which a person's job tasks are organized can have a direct impact on his/her mental and physical health, as well as on job performance. The tasks and the manner in which a job is organized can either complement good physical workstation design or detract from it. For example, ergonomically designed workstations will not eliminate all problems for individuals who perform repetitive work for 8 hours a day, day after day. Generally, health complaints can be significantly reduced if individuals are given a variety of tasks, as well as some control over their work. Rearranging activities can help alleviate fatigue and/or boredom.

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