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GMO the Pro's and Con's

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Case In the case regarding Technology and the Africa Rice Center. The question is - "Should genetically modified food be used to further economic development?" (150 words apa)

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This is a great overview on GMO and the benefits and disadvantage and how it can be beneficial in developing countries. The case examines if the Technology and the Africa Rice Center should genetically modify food be used for further economic development.

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"Should genetically modified food be used to further economic development?

***Here I am going to list the Pro's and Con's that way you can assess if GMO is good to use in regards to economic development.***

Benefits of GMO (genetically modified foods) in Development programs:

- potentially produce higher crop yields, which could help by feeding more people in developing countries.

- Very economical due to its seed production

- Reduce the need for pesticides and herbicides

- manpower reduction needed to grow the crops, this will improve financial gains verse loss

- The Quality of ...

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