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Classical organization theory

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Describe the basic thinking underlying classical organization theory. How does Adam Smith's conception of division and separation of labor relate to the classical model of organization theory? Explain how Frederick Taylor's "scientific management" fits into this model.

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This answer provides you an excellent discussion on Classical organization theory. The explanation is given in 237 words. References are included in the solution.

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The basic thinking underlying classical organization theory is that there is essentially one best way of performing a task. This idea was applied to the management of workers and their work, and was also applied to organizational structure.
Adam Smith's conceptions of division of labor relates to specialization of cooperative labor in well defined tasks and roles that were designed to increase the productivity of labor. As output increased and widespread trade became possible there was ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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