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Office Depot Vision and Mission Statements

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1.Review Office Depot's vision and mission statements (purpose, credo, philosophy, ...). Based on that create a revised vision and mission statement. If they don't have any, then just develop one. Based on the created vision and mission statement why is this statement better? Explain and cite all your sources accordingly.

2. Review the environmental factors of Office Depot (use a table for better view and clarification). Explain the changes that are incurring in the industry (growth, characteristics, etc.). Cite all your sources accordingly.

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A review and analysis of Office Depot's vision and mission statements.

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1. Review Office Depot's vision and mission statements (purpose, credo, philosophy ...). Based on that create a revised vision and mission statement. If they don't have any, then just develop one. Based on the created vision and mission statement why is this statement better? Explain and cite all your sources accordingly.

1. Well if you to OfficeDepot.com it is going to be terribly hard to find exactly where and what this company's vision and mission statements are. When I finally did find it - well, it was like receiving a deflated balloon. See what you think.


I have noticed a lot of people saying that mission statements are boring and useless. I disagree. Yes, if a company develops a mission statement but fails to use it to empower their employees, then it is a waste of time. I guarantee you that the employees of Office Depot do not know their company's mission statement. I can also guarantee you that the employees of the Franklin Covey live their company's mission statement. What's the difference between the two?

Check this site out -


It gives you an awesome way to deliver a mission and value statement to its employees. Of course after the short intro you get to "sign up" but I really think Franklin Covey hit the nail on the head with this one. It also allows you to create YOUR OWN mission statement, can't get easier than that. For starters, the Office Depot's mission statement is dry and not at all empowering. It sounds as though it was written by their CEO one day and then handed out to everyone as "their" mission without any input from the employees. Now compare that with the Franklin Covey's mission statement. It is definitely empowering. I was thinking while I was reading it that I wouldn't mind working there. Somehow, I get the feeling that ALL their employees have read, understand, and are living the mission. The point of all this is: in order to have a successful mission statement, each employee must have ownership of the mission. They must know why they do what they do. If I were Office Depot, I would tell each store manager to have each department come up with their own mission statement. Then, I would have an employee meeting to draft up each store's mission statement. Finally, I would then hold each and every employee responsible for fulfilling the mission. One last point: If you say that the customer comes first, but then list it third in your order of priorities, does the customer REALLY come ...

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