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This post addresses a manager's knowledge of the UCC.

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Explain whether the UCC clarifies how goods are sold or makes it more confusing. Use examples or other support for your answer. Discuss whether or not a manager would likely need to have a complete picture of the UCC in each state. How much does a manager really need to know about the state's UCC in which she/he sells goods?

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The solution provides a detailed discussion examining if the UCC clarifies how goods are sold or makes it more confusing, uses examples in the answer, and discusses whether or not a manager would likely need to have a complete picture of the UCC in each state along with determining how much a manager really needs to know about their state's UCC.

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Explain whether the UCC clarifies how goods are sold or makes it more confusing. Use examples or other support for your answer.

The UCC clarifies how goods are sold, and serves as a strong foundation to govern the sale of goods, including all possible aspects and most situations that can arise during that sale, including defects, returns, etc. The UCC can be used as a reference for contract purchases. The Statute of Frauds ...

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