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Law and accounting discussion

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Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room. Based upon the video, the piece is expected to describe the video "what is happening in that video". It is also expected to do some outside research regarding the rise and fall on Enron. For the substantive part of this learning, it is expected to answer, among other things, the following questions:

? What, if anything, could have prevented this debacle from happening?
? What was the corporate culture like at Enron, and did that culture have anything to do with what happened?
? What role, if any, did outside forces (i.e. banks, brokers, and so forth) play?

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Law and accounting discussion is discussed in great detail in this solution.

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The movie is based on the collapse of Enron Corporation. The movie shows interviews with McLean and Elkind and some Enron executives and employees. The film tries to show the actions that led to the collapse of Enron. The movie also has interviews with Gray David, the Governor of California, some stock analysts and reporters. The move shows how Enron moves from the seventh largest US company to bankruptcy in less than 365 days. The movie gives the time line of the collapse. It also portrays the personalities of Ken Lay, Jeff Skilling, Lou Pai and Andy Fastow. The movie portrays greed and features appreciations from President Bush.
I need help with this problem base to a video called: Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room. Based upon the video, the piece is expected to describe the video "what is happening in that video". It is also expected to do some outside research regarding the rise and fall on Enron. For the substantive part of this learning, it is expected to answer, among other things, the following questions:
? What, if ...

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