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cyber forensics

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I need help for following questions.
1) What are the challenges for cyber forensics in real world? (about 350 words)
2) How do you think about the future of cyber forensics and what sort of improvements will you suggest?

Below contain my 4 challenges for question 1, please help to elaborate further, and provide me the sources too.
- investigator needs to be very experience in handling the integrity of the data
- investigator must also take the responsibility to take charge of the chain of custody
- need to prepare, well equipped and update all sort of new skills in order to find any significant information in the data
- need to take note of the legal issues complying with the law and apply a vast array of legal concepts and precedents....

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What are the challenges for cyber forensics in real world? (about 350 words)
How do you think about the future of cyber forensics and what sort of improvements will you suggest?

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What are the challenges for cyber forensics in real world?

- investigator needs to be very experience in handling the integrity of the data:

An investigator needs to b very experienced and technical sound as well legally well informed in handling the integrity of the data to ensure such stored data can be effectively used for legal proceedings in the future. The data stored on hard drive as well as memory are two types of data collected in cyber forensics. Cyber forensic professionals should be aware about the reliable ways to identify, collect, store and retrieve data and ensure their integrity and security for use in future legal proceedings.

- investigator must also take the responsibility to take charge of the chain of custody

A chain of custody is the validation of process by which the evidence has been gathered, tracked and protected on its way to court. It is the responsibility of the investigator to take charge of chain of custody to ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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