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Analyze Case Law

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Review and brief the case of Gordy v. Daily News, L.P., 95 F.3d 829 (9th Cir. 1996)

What is the issue?
What were the primary arguments made by the plaintiff and defendant?
What rules of law did the court use when making its decision?
What is the court's rationale for the ruling?
Do you agree with the outcome of the case? Why or why not?

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Solution Summary

Review and brief the case of Gordy v. Daily News, L.P., 95 F.3d 829 (9th Cir. 1996)

What is the issue?
What were the primary arguments made by the plaintiff and defendant?
What rules of law did the court use when making its decision?
What is the court's rationale for the ruling?
Do you agree with the outcome of the case? Why or why not?

Solution Preview

What is the issue? The issue is Berry Gordy is suing a newspaper and a specific columnist for libel, but the defendant doesn't think he has a case because of different states involved.

What were the primary arguments made by the plaintiff and defendant? The main argument of Mr. Gordy is that even though the article was written in New York and he is a California resident he can ...

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