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Americans with Disabilities Act

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Interactive Simulation Questions Paper

Complete the simulation "Preventing Workplace Discrimination" found on the webpage for Week Three and answer the following questions in a properly formatted APA paper:

a. What are some measures a company can take to reasonably accommodate people with disabilities, or those with a known drug abuse problem, and how does the simulation demonstrate these?
b. Should factors like personality, attitude toward work, and future upward mobility be considered when hiring? Why or why not? How does the simulation demonstrate these?
c. Can Title VII override the employment environment and conditions detailed in a written employment contract between an employer and an employee? Why or why not? How does the simulation demonstrate this?

Be sure to properly cite your sources and include the week's assigned reading to support your paper.

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This solution gives you a detailed discussion on Americans with Disabilities Act

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a. What are some measures a company can take to reasonably accommodate people with disabilities, or those with a known drug abuse problem, and how does the simulation demonstrate these?

There are several steps that a company can take to ensure that the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act are adhered to. These steps include limiting or classifying a job applicant in a way that is detrimental to his interest, refusing people with disabilities, not promoting employees with disabilities, and not providing accommodation. The accommodation provided by the employer will be reasonable and shall provide such facilities that do not impose unreasonable burden on the employer. The simulation clarifies that it is the responsibility of the company to communicate its non discriminatory policy to each of its employees. These guiding principles maybe festooned or may be communicated to employees during their weekly meetings.

With regards to drug abuse problem, the companies may carry out drug and alcohol tests if the applicant accepts the offer made by the company. The company is free to impose a drug free policy at the workplace. The company is required to communicate its drug free policy to all its employees as well as job applicants. The company should reiterate its drug free policy. In other words qualified applicants under the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 do not include employees or applicants that make use of illegal drugs, when the employer brings action on the basis of ...

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