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Leadership style

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Please help so that I can complete the following assignment:

Leadership style often determines whether or not a manager is going to eventually get into ethically questionable situations or in situations of ethical violation.

In other words, leaders with certain kinds of leadership styles are more likely than others to commit ethical violations.
Examine five situations to find evidence either to support or refute that hypothesis.

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Leadership style is discussed in great detail in this solution

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Leadership style often determines whether or not a manager is going to eventually get into ethically questionable situations or in situations of ethical violation.
In other words, leaders with certain kinds of leadership styles are more likely than others to commit ethical violations.
Examine five situations to find evidence either to support or refute that hypothesis.
You will write up a paper describing your research and its results of no more than five pages in length with a reference list. Your paper should have a title.

Leadership Style and Ethical Violations
Some leadership styles are more likely to get into ethically questionable situations than others. Let us consider Kurt Lewin's three styles of leadership namely autocratic, democratic and Liassez-faire. The quality of decisions made by each type of leader differs. In case of Liassez-faire the leader minimizes his involvement in decision-making but he keeps a close watch on the ethical implications of the decisions made since he is responsible for the decisions. The result is that the possibility of getting into ethically questionable situations is minimized. In case of democratic leader, the leader involves others in decision making however the final say is that of the leader. In this case the moral dimension of decisions taken are examined by both the decision makers and the leader so the possibility of getting in to ethically questionable situations is qualitatively different from that of the Liassez-Faire style of leadership. Finally, the autocratic leader takes decisions unilaterally and without consulting others. Such decision making is efficient when there is no need ...

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