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Review of the significant principles of management communication

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The Research Paper will be a comprehensive research review of the significant principles of management communications used to successfully achieve organizational objectives. For this assignment of a minimum of eight pages, you need to integrate material from the readings, multimedia, and class discussion boards, and also reflect on professional experience where possible. It is mandatory to include research from the classroom text as well as from six scholarly sources to support your views. Consider the validity of your resources carefully before using them in academic papers. Use at least one professional example to address the topics below.

The following components must be included in order for the paper to be complete:

Explain effective communication norms in a business setting.
Describe the role of interpersonal communication both as a manager and as an employee. What specific techniques have you used to overcome barriers to communication? Be sure to specify your role in the communication.
Explore the role of international and intercultural interpersonal communications in today's global businesses.
Describe both verbal and nonverbal management communication.
Explain approaches for effective written management communication.
Analyze various approaches for engaging an audience during a presentation and encouraging active listening.
Describe effective methods of conflict resolution.
Analyze techniques for leading teams and group meetings.

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The expert reviews the significant principles of management communication. The response addresses the query is posted in 2178 words with APA References.

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The response addresses the query is posted in 2178 words with APA References

// In the following text, we will discuss effective communication norms in a business setting.//

A norm is a standardized set of behavior which is enforced within a group. The business communication norms and rules facilitate effective communication. A good and efficient communication is necessary for leading a successful business or being successful in business organizations (Means, 2009). The communication is the process by which persons interact with each other. Communication in any setting requires a transfer of ideas and cognizance of meaning. In an organization, the communication is the means by which, members interact within the organization and outside the organization. It eventually affects the events of the organization and its output. It is an evolutionary process which depends on the cultural background of the place in which the organization is running. The norms and the criteria for business communication are different for different locations (Means, 2009).

A company requires effective communication since it is the only medium by which the company leaders interact with the employees and the potential customers. A business communication can take many forms, but they are broadly divided into verbal communication and written communication. Moreover, the communication between equals is more friendly in comparison to the communication taking place between the employer and the employee. Some specific rules for communication is business settings are:

Superiors: An employee must communicate with his superiors in a respectful and formal manner. The workers must address the seniors in the gender-specific title and always acknowledge the presence of the superiors.

Colleagues: The communication between the colleagues is more friendly and informal. They should call each other by first names.

Subordinates: If the relationship with a subordinate is not friendly, the subordinates should be called by gender specific title.

Moreover, the business communication rules and norms are specific for different settings such as:

Introductions: It is always important to make introductions with the colleagues and business partners in a business meeting. The introduction must be accompanied by handshakes, smile and eye contact.

Business to Business Communication: In business to business communication, an employee represents his company (Means, 2009). Therefore, it is important to communicate effectively. The employee should not criticize his organization, always be proud of your organization's achievement.

Foreign Clients: While interacting with foreigners, it is essential to know about their culture a little bit and understands what things can offend them.

// In the following text, we will discuss the importance of interpersonal communication between a manager and the employee. The major hurdles encountered in the communication setting is also discussed below.//

The business communication in corporate organizations can be analyzed from two perspectives, communication with customers and suppliers and communication between employees and management. The employee-management relationship is focused on productivity and performance. The communication between the employee and the management is mostly interpersonal. An interpersonal communication is one in which the members take a turn to be a speaker and listener. It is a type of communication in which no single person is an audience.

The communication can be vertical or horizontal which includes, communication between the management and different departments and communication between colleagues. The feedback and the appraisal are also a part of the communication between the employees and the management. The use of technology also facilitates the communication between managers and the employee. Telephones, emails, and presentations are all a part of the communication between the employee and the employers (Singh, 2014). As an employee, the significant barriers came across in interpersonal communication with my manager are:


Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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