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ABC Company: Eight metrics - Performance vs Strategy?

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The ABC Company manufactures widgets. It competes and plans to grow by selling high-quality widgets at low prices and by delivering them to customers quickly. There are many other companies in the industry producing similar widgets. ABC believes it needs to continuously improve its manufacturing and delivery processes and that having satisfied employees are both critical to its long-term success.

a) Based on this information, what type of strategy do you believe ABC is pursuing? Be sure to back up your claim with specific evidence.

b) List and justify eight metrics (2 in each of the Balanced Scorecard perspectives) that you believe ABC should include in its Balanced Scorecard.

c) ABC calculates the following figures:

2011 operating income $1,850,000
2012 operating income $2,013,000
Growth component $85,000
Price-recovery component ($72,000)
Productivity component $150,000

In addition, the market for widgets did not grow in 2012, input process did not change in 2012, and ABC reduced its selling price in 2012.

Based on this information, do you believe ABC's increase in operating income in 2012 is consistent with the strategy you identified in part a? Be sure to justify your answer with specific information.

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a) Based on this information, what type of strategy do you believe ABC is pursuing? Be sure to back up your claim with specific evidence.

There description is that they are trying to sell at "low prices and by delivering them to customers quickly" meaning that there is no differentiation in the actual product from what others are selling. Their competitive advantage is only from price and speed of delivery. That is mainly a cost leadership position rather than a product differentiation.

b) List and justify eight metrics (2 in each of the Balanced Scorecard perspectives) that you believe ABC ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, University of Virginia
  • MSc, University of Virginia
  • PhD, Georgia State University
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