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A post synaptic ionotropic receptor permeant to only one ion is known to be inhibitory...

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A post synaptic ionotropic receptor permeant to only one ion is known to be inhibitory (Activation of the receptor generates an APSP)

Chloride is able to pass through this ion channel.

What would happen if this neuron was suddenly made permeable to Mg ions, would Mg ions flow into or out of the cell?

Would the current flow due to Mg serve to depolarize or hyperpolarize the membrane?

Please explain I am confused.

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Normally, Cl- concentration is higher outside the cell than inside. Therefore, when the Cl- channel opens, Cl- flows into the cell. When chloride ions flow into the neuron, the inside of the cell becomes more negative since chloride is an anion -- a negatively charged ion.

As the inside of the membrane becomes more negative, the resting membrane potential, normally around -70 mV, becomes more negative, e.g. -90 mV. Therefore, when Cl- moves into the cell, the effect is ...

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