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Regression analysis for movie data set.

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I have also attached a sample xls file that contains the 5 steps referred to in the word doc. The data is located in the movie.xls file.

Develop a regression model for movie demand. Follow the five steps outlined in the sample XLS file.

? Accomplish a correlation table and scatter plots with trend lines of all of the variable data: price, DVD rental price, DVD purchase price, popcorn price, and income versus demand.
? Do a linear regression of all of the data.
? Based on your interpretation of your trend line outcomes, do a data transformation of the variables and regression.
? Write out the regression equations for the linear and transformed models.
? Use your equations to calculate predicted demand values.
? Analyze the coefficients in your model using the confidence level test of p-values. Are they statistically different from zero based on passing the 95% confidence level test?
? Analyze the models overall based on Sig F values. Are they statistically different from zero based on passing the 95% confidence level test?
? How well do the models capture the variability in demand based on their R Square values?

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Step by step method for computing regression model for movie data set.

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