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Statistics: The Accounting Department at Weston Materials, Inc.

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The accounting department at Weston Materials, Inc., a national manufacturer of unattached garages, reports that it takes two construction workers a mean of 32 hours and a standard deviation of 2 hours to erect the Red Barn model. Assume the assembly times follow the normal distribution.

a. Determine the z values for 29 and 34 hours. What percent of the garages take between 32 hours and 34 hours to erect?
b. What percent of the garages take between 29 hours and 34 hours to erect?
c. What percent of the garages take 28.7 hours or less to erect?
d. Of the garages, 5 percent take how many hours or more to erect?

44. The number of passengers on the Carnival Sensation during one-week cruises in the Caribbean follows the normal distribution. The mean number of passengers per cruise is 1,820 and the standard deviation is 120.
a. What percent of the cruises will have between 1,820 and 1,970 passengers?
b. What percent of the cruises will have 1,970 passengers or more?
c. What percent of the cruises will have 1,600 or fewer passengers?
d. How many passengers are on the cruises with the fewest 25 percent of passengers?

60. In establishing warranties on HDTV sets, the manufacturer wants to set the limits so that few will need repair at manufacturer expense. On the other hand, the warranty period must be long enough to make the purchase attractive to the buyer. For a new HDTV the mean number of months until repairs are needed is 36.84 with a standard deviation of 3.34 months. Where should the warranty limits be set so that only 10 percent of the HDTV's need repairs at the manufacturer's expense?

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Solution Summary

This solution contains step-by-step calculations to determine the z value and z sores and also percent of garages taking variable hours to erect. Statistical analysis are conducted for other scenarios. All workings and formulas are included.

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Ain Shams University, Cairo Egypt
  • MBA, California State University, Sacramento
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