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A study of tobacco quitting was done. The authors concluded that a significant preictor of maintaining cessation was forbidding smoking in the house, and gave the following supportive statistics: OR 1.95; C.I. 1.05-3.6; p<0.01
What is the exposure?
What is the outcome?
What does OR stand for?
What does CI stand for?
State what an OR of 1.95 means in the above context?
Is an OR of 1.95 significant? Why or Why not?
What does p<0.01 mean?
is an OR with a p<0.01 more or less believable than an OR with a p<0.05?

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What does OR stand for?
<br>OR is the "odds ratio" = (odds of maintaining cessation if smoking forbidden)/(odds of maintaining cessation if smoking allowed).
<br>where "odds" of maintaining cessation if smoking fobidden =
<br>(proportion of people maintaining when smoking forbidden)/(proportion of people not maintaining when smoking forbidden).
<br>and "odds" of maintaining cessation if smoking allowed =
<br>(proportion of people maintaining when smoking allowed)/(proportion of people not maintaining when smoking allowed).
<br>What is the exposure?
<br>I am assuming that when you say ...

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