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Hypothesis Testing the MBA Department

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1. The MBA department is concerned that dual degree students may be receiving lower grades than the regular MBA students. Two independent random samples have been selected. 100 observations from population 1 (dual degree students) and 100 from population 2 (MBA students). The sample means obtained are X1(bar)=85 and X2(bar)=88. It is known from previous studies that the population variances are 4.0 and 5.0 respectively. Using a level of significance of .10, is there evidence that the dual degree students are receiving lower grades? Fully explain your answer.

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The solution provides hypothesis testing for the MBA department. The hypothesis is what dual degree students receive lower grades.

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Hypothesis Testing
I REALLY need assistance with the following Statistics problem. I am not that well with math, so I would love some assistance please if you can. The problem is as follows:

1. The MBA department is concerned that dual degree students may be receiving lower grades than the regular MBA students. Two independent ...

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