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Hypothesis Testing:The Video Game Satisfaction Rating Case 1

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Recall that very satisfied customers give the XYZ-Box video game system a rating that is at least 42.

Suppose that the manufacturer of the XYZ-Box wishes to use the random sample of 65 satisfaction ratings to provide evidence supporting the claim that the mean composite satisfaction rating for the XYZ-Box exceeds 42.

a: Letting mu represent the mean composite satisfaction rating for the XYZ-Box, set up the null hypothesis H0 and the alternative hypothesis Ha needed if we wish to attempt to provide evidence supporting the claim that mu exceeds 42.

b: The random sample of 65 satisfaction ratings yields a sample mean of = 42.954. Assuming that s equals 2.64, use critical values to test H0 versus Ha at each of alpha = .10, .05, .01, and .001.

c: Using the information in part b, calculate the p-value and use it to test H0 versus Ha at each of alpha = .10, .05, .01, and .001.

d: How much evidence is there that the mean composite satisfaction rating exceeds 42?

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Solution Summary

The solution provides step by step method for the calculation of testing of hypothesis. Formula for the calculation and Interpretations of the results are also included. Interactive excel sheet is included. The user can edit the inputs and obtain the complete results for a new set of data.

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