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Moksha and salvation

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"In Hinduism, Moksha is seen as a transcendence of phenomenal being, much like a state of higher consciousness. For Hindus, liberation is much like salvation; it is experienced in this very life as a termination of a sense of egoism, and instead an eternal, pure spirit is uncovered. This 'desire-less state is seen as a final release from one's worldly conception of self. This release leads to Brahman, the source of all existence."
1. Describe how the Hindu concept of Moksha is comparable to the Christian concept of salvation in the above description.
2. In what ways is it different?
3. How might you best approach a Hindu to talk to her/him about the need for and process of salvation?

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Solution Summary

A description of how the Hindu concept of Moksha is comparable to the Christian concept of salvation is provided. The best approach for Hindu to talk to her/him about the need for and process of salvation is discussed.

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1. Describe how the Hindu concept of Moksha is comparable to the Christian concept of salvation in the above description.

This assignment is fairly simple to analyze. From the above description, look at the ways these two are the SAME; hence, you will notice that

* Hindu concept of MOKSHA: transcendence, higher consciousness, which is a higher energy or vibration Christian concept of Salvation =

"moksha (ˈmɒkʃə)
— n
Hinduism freedom from the endless cycle of transmigration into a state of bliss
[from Sanskrit mokṣa liberation]

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