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Theories of Gordon Allport and Hans J. Eysenck

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Compare and Contract the Theories of Gordon Allport and Hans J. Eysenck.

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Theories of Gordon Allport and Hans J. Eysenck are summarized in this solution. References are also provided to justify the assertions.

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1. Looking for information on Gordon Allport and Hans J. Eysenck.

Both theorists are referred to as trait theorists of personality, and each proposed different traits as being responsible for personality d3evelopment.

Let's look at some information for you to consider for your comparisons:

I. Gordon Allport


Allport identified 3 different kinds of traits:

1. Cardinal traits = express dispositions that are so pervasive that virtually every act is traceable to its influence (1)
2. Central traits = express dispositions that cover a more limited range of situations (3-10)
3. Secondary dispositions = traits that are the least conspicuous, generalized, and consistent (many) (http://psychology.about.com/od/profilesal/p/gordon-allport.htm)

Allport recognized the importance of the situation in explaining why a person does not behave the same way all the time. He felt that both traits and situations are necessary to understand behavior. Traits are needed to explain consistency, whereas situations are needed to explain variability (psychology.illinoisstate.edu/mjsteven/psy233/ch07).

Allport believed that personality is a mere bundle of unrelated traits, and he coined the term Proprium that represents the positive, creative, growth-seeking, and forward-moving quality of human Nature (Hjelle and Zeigler p. 184, as cited in http://shrike.depaul.edu/~kmerz/propium.htm). Through the concept of concept Proprium seven different aspect of the self were proposed, including:

"1. The Sense of Bodily Self, which is a sense of one's own body, including bodily sensations, attests to one's existence and therefore remains a lifelong anchor for self-awareness.

2. The Sense of Self-identity , which is the second aspect of the proprium is self-identity. This is most evident when the child, through acquiring language, recognizes himself as a distinct and constant point of reference.

3. The Sense of Self-Esteem or Pride, which is an individual's evaluation of himself and the urge to wan to do everything for oneself and take all of the credit.

4. The Sense of Self-Extension, occurs during the third year of life, which states that even though ...

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