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Counselling Psychology: Therapeutic Relationship

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The constructive expression of feelings often becomes the foundation for a facilitative relationship between the counsellor and the client. How would a counsellor establish a facilitative relationship with their client? List specific behaviors with examples.

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This solution explains in detail five specific responses for a counsellor to establish a facilitative relationship with their client. Illustrative examples supplement the response.

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1. The constructive expression of feelings often becomes the foundation for a facilitative relationship between the counsellor and the client. How would a counsellor establish a facilitative relationship with their client? List specific behaviors.

Belkin (1988) lists five principal actions that the counsellor can perform to help establish a facilitative relationship between herself or himself and the client:

1. The counsellor must be willing to listen to anything and everything the client has to say. The beginning of a constructive counselling relationship requires the counsellor to listen without censure or perceptual defense. Clients sometimes test out how carefully or nonjudgementally the counsellor has been listening.

Example #1: (The client tests the counsellor to see if something he or she mentioned the preceding session is still remembered...or, if the counsellor is going to pretend it was never said).

Client: Maybe I could go into some of this in the future session. It really is something I should talk about, but it doesn't seem pressing now.

Counsellor: I thought you mentioned last week that this would be your last session.

Client: ...

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