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Disclosure of Treatment Materials in Psychological Treatment

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Which enforceable standards are relevant to the release of treatment-related materials and disclosure of information arising out of treatment?

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This solution helps determine when it is okay to disclose treatment information for a patient during or after a treatment. It provides advice based on APA guidelines, which can help assure that you, as the practitioner, is in compliance. The two situations include that when appropriate consent of the organizational client is given, and when the individual is mandated by law or permitted by a valid purpose such as needed professional services or consultations. The solution is 167 words and provides an APA website for reference.

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You must adhere to all HIPPA regulations regarding the release of any materials or information regarding treatment. This means unless the patient has given written consent to share this information, you cannot. However, there are certain circumstances in which a practitioner must violate this: ...

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