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Review of Saturday Night Democratic Debate

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Related to the Democratic debate on Saturday night, I have a couple questions for people who are educated in this area. Politics is difficult for me, and am trying to get a better understanding of these issues. This is not an assignment. I'm just trying to an understanding of last nights events
Clinton, Sanders, O'Malley debate

1) In your opinion, did one candidate clearly do better than the others? Could you maybe list a few specific examples from the debate.
2) In your opinion, did one candidate clearly do worse than the others? Please list a few examples for what the candidates said or did to make you think that?
3) Were there any comical moments that stood out to you?

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Governor O'Malley had a good showing at the Democratic debate, while Secretary Clinton might want to fortify some of her performance.

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Political debates will always bring out different opinions. Some people will see one thing and view it as a success, while others could see that very same element as a setback. With that in mind, I think that Martin O'Malley had a good night. One of the major reasons is because he could not find any substantive political momentum thus far in the campaign season. Given the establishment support and seeming inevitability that surrounds front- runner Hillary Clinton and the enthusiasm around Senator Bernie Sanders, Governor O'Malley was struggling for name recognition.

I think that he did better than the others because he gained the most. Governor O'Malley gave very credible responses to both domestic and international issues. He was able to defer the perception that being a governor of a state translated into little foreign policy experience. He struck a powerful chord with his resounding call to action against the so- called Islamic State and was even able to register with voters on a personal level when he argued against the use of the statement of "boots on the ground." He proved capable of challenging Secretary Clinton on her proximity to Wall Street business insiders, and criticized Senator ...

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