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I am not sure how to set up this problem, I think that I have to use the exponential rule, but after that I am lost.

(See attached file for full problem description with complete equations)

The quantity q, of a certain skateboard sold depends on the selling price, p, in dollars, so, we write q = f(p). You are given that f(140) =15,000 and f' (140) = -100.
a) Total revenue, R, earned by the sales of skateboards is given by R = pq. Find

b) What is the sign of ?
If skateboards are currently selling for $140 what happens to the revenue if the price is increases to $141?

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This solution is comprised of a detailed explanation to answer if skateboards are currently selling for $140 what happens to the revenue if the price is increases to $141.

Solution Preview

a) Since q = f(p) and R = p*q
then R = p*f(p)
by chain rule,
dR/dp = p*f'(p) + ...

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