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Pros and Cons of Giving Prosecutors Full Power to Plea Bargain Any Case

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Plea bargaining is a controversial issue. Do you believe that the prosecutor should have full power to plea bargain any case? Why or Why not?

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This library solution outlines the pros and cons of giving prosecutors full power to plea bargain any case. Several points are listed both against and in favor of allowing prosecutors full discretion in determining which cases to plea bargain.

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Question: Should prosecutors have full power to plea bargain any case? Why or Why not?

Valid arguments can be made on both sides of the issue of whether or not prosecutors should have full power to plea bargain any case. However, there might be more points in favor of not giving prosecutors full power to plea bargain any case as they see fit so this position might be easier to argue. A few key points on both sides of the issue are outlined below so that you can select which side of the issue most coincides with your own perspective.

Yes - Prosecutors should have full power to plea bargain any case.

- The more people who are involved in determining which cases to plea bargain, the more complicated the process will become. At present, plea bargains are a tool that helps alleviate some of the backup in cases awaiting trial.
- It is the ...

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