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1. The main purpose of the Yalta Conference was to
a) discuss plans for the invasion of France
b) Issue the Atlantic Charter
c) decide how to partition Poland.
d) talk about the future of Eastern Europe

2. Afer World War II, Germany
a) was divided into four occupation zones.
b) had to pay huge reparations to the Allies.
c) was made neutral
d) became a member of the Warsaw Pact.

3. All of the following incidents are examples of the cold war EXCEPT the
a) denazification of Germany
b) policy of containment
c) Berlin blockade.
d) formation of NATO.

4. "... the Soviet pressure against the free institutions of the western world is something that can be contained by the ... vigilant application of counterforce at a series of constantly shifting geographical and political points corresponding to the shifts and maneuvers of Soviet strategy..." This statement was written by someone who
a) supported the Truman doctrine
b) wanted the United States to withdraw from the UN.
c) opposed the formation of NATO.
d) believed the United States and Soviet Union should be allies.

5. The Marshall Plan was designed to
a) punish Germany
b) help European nations recover from the war.
c) ease the effects of the berlin blockade.
d) end the cold war.

6.) the main purpose of the Security council of the United Nations is to
a) rule on legal cases brought before the UN.
b) work on problems of disease and hunger.
c) investigate world conflicts.
d) prevent member nations from using their veto power.

7. The German economic miracle was due in part to the
a) policy of denazification
b) aid the soviets gave to East germany
c) building of new, modern plants to replace those destroyed in the war
d) competition between East and West Germany

8. Which of the following ideas was de Gaulle most likely to support?
a) France needed a strong executive
b) French troops should be used to support NATO.
c) Algeria had to remain French at whatever cost.
d) the National Assembly should have more power than the president.

9. As part of its efforts to create a welfare state, the Labour party in Britain
a) gave its colonies independance
b) increase economic cooperation among member nations.
c) complete with the British commonwealth of nations
d) limited the size of old age pensions

10. The Common Market was set up to
a) help European economies recover from the war
b) increase economic cooperation among member nations
c) compete with the British Commonwealth of Nations
d) ease the flow of goods between Western and Eastern Europe

11. When Nikita Khrushchev came to power in the Soviet Union, he
a) met with President Eisenhower
b) criticized many of Stalin's policies
c) ended Soviet control over Eastern Europe
d) agreed to stop producting nuclear arms in the Soviet Union

12. The 1956 uprising in Hungary showed that
a) the Soviet Union would not allow democracy in Eastern Europe.
b) Poland and Hungary were enemies.
c) the Hungarian people were unwilling to fight for freedom
d) the Soviet Union would let each Western European nation decide whether to join the Warsaw Pact.

13. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka was a landmark case because it
a) outlawd closed shops.
b) ruled that communists are a threat to the security of the United States
c) legalized peaceful protest marches.
d) ruled that segregated schools were unconstitutional.

14. The United States became involved in the Korean War in order to
a) stop the spread of Soviet influence.
b) carry out the Marshall Plan in Asia.
c) reunite North and South Korea
d) end the war in Vietnam

15. The Cuban missile crisis illustrated
a) the cold war
b) de-Stalinization
c) containment
d) NATO's power

What description most closely matches each item? (Not all descriptions used.)

a.) established an anti-Stalinist government in Poland
b.) organized boycotts to protest segregation
c) led yugoslavia on an independant course
d) succeeded Khrushchev as Communist party leader
e) led the economic recovery of West Germany
f) crated the Fifth French Republic
g) claimed that many United States State Department employees were communists.

16. Konrad Adenauer
17. Joseph McCarthy
18. Martin Luther King Jr.
19. Wladyslaw Gomulka
20. Marshal Tito

Decide which event in each pair happened first, either a or b for each.
21. a. Berlin Wall is built. b. The Berlin airlift begins
22. a. The Warsaw Pact is created b. NATO is formed
23. a. The Common Marjet is set up. b. The Marshall Plan is announced
24. a. Allied leaders meet at Yalta b. The Allies hold trials at Nuremberg

25.a. President Kennedy is assassinated
b. President Johnson supports the civil rights bill.

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Solution Summary

Answers to Multiple Choice Questions on World War, cold war, Marshall Plan, Security council, German economic miracle, Common Market, Nikita Khrushchev, 1956 uprising in Hungary, de Gaulle, Cuban missile crisis, Korean War, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka.

Solution Preview

1. The main purpose of the Yalta Conference was to
a) discuss plans for the invasion of France
b) Issue the Atlantic Charter
c) decide how to partition Poland.
d) talk about the future of Eastern Europe

Answer: d) talk about the future of Eastern Europe

2. After World War II, Germany
a) was divided into four occupation zones.
b) had to pay huge reparations to the Allies.
c) was made neutral
d) became a member of the Warsaw Pact.

Answer: a) was divided into four occupation zones.
After World War II, Germany was divided into four zones of occupation. The American, British and French zones were grouped together as West Germany, and the Soviet zone became East Germany.

3. All of the following incidents are examples of the cold war EXCEPT the
a) denazification of Germany
b) policy of containment
c) Berlin blockade.
d) formation of NATO.

Answer: a) denazification of Germany

4. "... the Soviet pressure against the free institutions of the western world is something that can be contained by the ... vigilant application of counterforce at a series of constantly shifting geographical and political points corresponding to the shifts and maneuvers of Soviet strategy..." This statement was written by someone who
a) supported the Truman doctrine
b) wanted the United States to withdraw from the UN.
c) opposed the formation of NATO.
d) believed the United States and Soviet Union should be allies.

Answer: a) supported the Truman doctrine

5. The Marshall Plan was designed to
a) punish Germany
b) help European nations recover from the war.
c) ease the effects of the berlin blockade.
d) end the cold war.

Answer: b) help European nations ...

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