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History of Math

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There are those who feel that how can we be a great country if we have a huge poverty level right here? Technology has not helped all of America so how can it be used somewhere else. There are people who work everyday and can not afford to put food on the table because the cost of everything is so high. How can we help others when many people here struggle daily and can't keep up? What is done about these people? It is kind of the same situation only the US has more advance technology than many of the 3rd world countries and that is why we should share. Should we not take care of home first and then worry about them later? How is technology helping in the US before we send it around the world?

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The solution discusses the History of Math. How technology affects huge poverty levels are determined.

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There are those who feel that how can we be a great country if we have a huge poverty level right here?

We do have a huge poverty level in this country. Today's economy is crumbling as companies are laying off or closing all together. This year alone banks have closed, investment banks have closed and the country's big three car manufactures are on the brink of shutting down. We must learn from our mistakes. The Great Depression should be a lesson for all that a huge poverty level is never good for an economy, as people starve and die of illness when the poverty levels are high. I honestly do not know how there are those who feel the country would be a great country with a huge poverty level. All one has to do is look at Africa. That nation is the largest nation with the highest level of poverty and the citizens are starving.

Technology has not helped all of America so how can it be used somewhere else?

Technology has help America. Today, Americans purchase more cell phones per capita than anywhere in the world. Today's American wants information and they want it now. The invention of ...

Solution provided by:
  • Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix
  • Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies, Kaplan College
  • Business Diploma, Katharine Gibbs Business College for Women
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