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Bacevich, Andrew (Ethical Violations)

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If anyone has read or has access to this book I have a bunch of questions for you!

What are at least two major ethical violations that Bacevich discusses which occurred leading to our involvement in the Iraq war that are historical repeats. Discuss what they are etc.

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Describes the ethical violation during the Bush administration that led to the Iraqi war.

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What are at least two major ethical violations that Bacevich discusses which occurred leading to our involvement in the Iraq war that are historical repeats. Discuss what they are etc.

The first major ethical violation that led to Bush's and America's involvement in the Iraq war that resulted in history repeating itself was repeating the imperialistic excursions that resulted in the demise of the great European powers throughout the 20th century. During the 20th century and beginning well before this century Great Britain amassed its empire by taking over other countries through military might and being forced to police these colonies requiring much money. They also had to protect against other European countries who also were imperialists from infringing upon their acquired territories which led to wars, proxy wars, and more money required to be exerted toward protecting these interests invariably leading to less money for their own citizenry and their concerns (PBS, 2012).

At the beginning of World War 2 many of these European countries that were on the receiving end of Hitler's barrage were primarily focusing their attention on the assertion of control over their imperial periphery, which took precedence over guarding their own perimeters leading to Hitler easily conquering countries such as France and other Imperialistic European nations ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS, Sam Houston State University, 1903 University Avenue, Huntsville, Tx 77340
  • MS, Prairie View A&M University
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