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determining what goods and services society should produce

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The problem of determining what goods and services society should produce
a. exists because we can produce more than we need or want
b. exists because they are not enough resources to provide all the goods and services that people want to purchase
c. would not exist if all goods and service were scarce
d. Would not exist if government owned all of the resources.

My answer was between B and C but I think the answer is C

Specialization and trade usually lead to
a. lower economic growth
b. the exchange of goods and service in markets
c. lower living standards
d. higher prices

My answer is B

The models used in economics
a. are usually limited to variables that are directly related
b. are essentially not reliable because they are not testable in the real world
c. are of necessity unrealistic and not related to the real world
d. emphasize basic relationships by abstracting from complexities in the everyday world

my answer is A.

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The answer to the first problem is actually b. Economically speaking, almost everything is scarce, and this make allocating it more difficult. Scarcity is defined by b. Because resources are limited, we have to ...

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