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Assessment of Interim National Security Strategy

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The National Security Strategy Assessment focuses on the latest U.S. grand strategy or NSS. This strategy is at the apex of all strategies in the United States Government (USG) for national security. Most important strategies in national security are influenced by the NSS—directly or indirectly. Therefore, it is an imperative that students who desire to know the linkage of theory and the practical application of such will understand this document and its second- and third-order implications. Students will also grasp the limitations of the NSS because a document is not determinative of policy because the sine quo non of policy is implementation or action.

1. Describe key aspects of the latest National Security Strategy (NSS) to include:
• Instruments of national power.
• Elements of national power.
• Describe the threats emphasized and threats diminished (if any).
• Use of historic lessons of war and/or peace (direct or implied).
• One other area as per your discretion (optional).

2. Provide at least one significant difference between the latest NSS and one other NSS of a different administration. You can find the historic NSS documents at National Security Strategy Assessment Paper Assignment page.

3. Describe at least one significant positive aspect of this NSS and one negative aspect of this NSS.

4. Describe your assessment of this NSS regarding its foreign policy perspective (e.g., realist, neo-realist, globalist, liberal institutionalist) and describe at least one area (or issue) that demonstrates a biblical worldview or some other worldview.

5. A conclusion that gives an overall impression of this NSS based on the above four areas.

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This posting provides an assessment of the current Interim National Security Strategy Assessment.

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1 the key aspects of National Security Strategy
Instruments of national power
The instruments of national power include diplomacy, information, economics, and the military. Information or informational means using the information to undermine the strength of state and non-state actions (international criminal groups and terrorists) who are trying to undermine the US and its allies. The informational power is used by the department of defense. For example, the department of defense can use its information infrastructure to detect threats to its allies and warn them of the threats. Next, the military is an instrument of power that is deployed by the USA (a). The military is deployed to fight wars and win them. Even though the nature of the military is coercive, its purpose is to prevent any enemy from coercing the United States. The military also boosts the capability of the US to provide relief to foreign countries both during conflicts and natural disasters. The next instrument is a strong US economy. The US economy has free access to foreign markets where it can export its goods and import the goods/ services it needs. The general welfare brought about by this economic interaction all over the world boosts the national defense of the US. The US agencies work with the US Treasury to encourage economic growth. The actions lead to an increase in standards of living and prevent financial crises. It is the interaction of the instruments of national power that supports and activates the strategic security environment. The US Government combines the different instruments of national security and uses these effectively to counter threats to national security (b). In normal practice, the military is combined with the different instruments of power to advance US values, interests, and objectives. The Armed Forces at the direction of the US President interacts with different agencies and develops an understanding of the US capabilities, consequences, or military action. An important role is played by the National Security Council in the combining and deployment of different instruments of power.

Elements of national power:
There are natural elements, scientific and technological elements, social and ideological elements, external and other elements, and political elements. The natural elements include natural resources, geography, and population. For example, the unique location of the US in the world is an important element of national power. The scientific and technological elements include the military capability, agricultural strength, and industrial strength of the United States (c). For example, the technological ability of the US to produce the latest arms and ammunitions and use these to arm its forces is an element of national power. Next, the political elements of power include the government, the bureaucracy, the efficiency, and the leadership of our country. For example, the leadership qualities and abilities of the US President are an element of national power. The social and ideological elements of power include the national character, the national morale, the social structure, and social cohesiveness. For example, the patriotism of the people of the United States is an important element of national power. The external and other elements include the reputation and image, international strategic position, foreign support, and intelligence (d). When the allies of the US support its policies and actions it is an element of national power. Moreover, when the US gets ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA, Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management
  • BSc, University of Calcutta
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