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Economic issues

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Currently, AIDS is spreading rapidly in China and India. If the governments of these nations fail to stop the spread of AIDS, what are the likely consequences for future economic grow5th in China and India?

In 1989, a massive protest against political repression in China was halted by the government's massacre of more than 150 individuals at Tiananment Square in Beijing. What impact do you think that episode had on foreign investment and growth in China during the years immediately thereafter?

Most of the advances in institutions in China have come in the cities rather than in the countryside. Indeed, local officials in farming villages actively redistribute wealth among villagers to keep the distribution of income among local farmers roughly equal. This a farmers' success or failure with this crops has little impact on his family's standard of living. Given thise facts, where do you think the economic growth in China has occurred over the past thirty years, in the cities or in the farms? Explain.

Explain how the following factors will influence India's ability to compete in a highly competitive, rapidly changing global market place: (a) an educational system that is largely state-operated and that emphasizes job security for teachers and professors; (b) a transportation infrastructure that is largely antiquated and in disrepair; and (c) a political system that is adept at protecting favored constituents from competition and handing out favors that have concentrated benefits and widely dispersed costs

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Economic issue is discussed very comprehensively in this explanation.

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Currently, AIDS is spreading rapidly in China and India. If the governments of these nations fail to stop the spread of AIDS, what are the likely consequences for future economic grow5th in China and India?
The spread of AIDS in countries like China and India continues because the effects of the infection are not know in next 12 years. However, there are likely to be severe consequences for the economic growth of these countries. The economic strength of China and India stems from its supplies of low cost labor. AIDS saps the growth of this labor. The labor force will be severely restricted if AIDS grows uncontrolled. The second way in which the spread of AIDS will adversely affect the future economic growth of China and India is through the reduction of savings and capital accumulation. Without growth of capital the future growth of the economies of China and India will be severely retarded.

In 1989, a massive protest against political repression in China was halted by the government's massacre of more than 150 individuals at Tiananmen Square in Beijing. What impact do you think that episode had on foreign investment and growth in China during the years immediately thereafter?
The ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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