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I need assistance with the following:

Determine the optimal profit maximizing strategy for Hewlett Packard within its given market type

Explain specifically how this strategy may be used to maximize profits within the given market type

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The response addresses the queries in 1140 words with references.

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The response addresses the queries with references.

// In this paper we are going to discuss about the optimal profit maximizing strategy for Hewlett Packard in its given market type where it works. After discussing this we will discuss how this strategy may be used to maximize profits within the given market type.//

The current market situation is very much competitive. All the companies of the world are busy in maximizing their profit, so that they can improve their financial position in the market and protect themselves from any future contingencies in the market. To survive in this competitive world, it is necessary to earn a certain amount of profit in the market by the operation of business, so that company can easily conduct its operations. It is necessary to decide an optimal profit maximizing strategy for the business, so that company can enhance its profit earning capacity in the market. In this case, the management of Hewlett Packard is also needed to decide an optimal profit maximizing strategy, so that it can increases its profits in the market and it also helps in creating competitive edge over its competitors in the market (Kumar, 2008).

Hewlett Packard mainly targets small business units segment and middle income consumer group in the market. The main business of Hewlett Packard is coming from these two segments and it comprises very large market for the company. The products of Hewlett Packard are such that can be easily installed at the customer's place and they are also very easy in operation. The products of Hewlett Packard are very simple and they do not create any kind of complication in the use or working of the customers. While deciding the pricing strategy for the products of Hewlett Packard, it should be ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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