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Web Application Development - Visual Studio.Net

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Create a database with a table called "tblStudents" and "tblLogin." This table should have the following columns.

StudentID -Text (Primary Key.)
LastName - Text.
TelephoneNumber - Text.
Level (e.g. "sophomore," "junior," etc.)

The table, tblLogin, should have the following columns -

ID - Autonumber (Primary Key.)
UserName - Text (set it to a unique value.)
Password - Text.
Add several records to this table.

Use Visual Studio.NET 2005 to create an ASP.NET with three aspx forms.

The first form is a login page that contains a Login control. Users cannot view the other forms until they have successfully logged onto the application.
The second form contains a GridView control, The GridView control will allow the user to
-view the entries in the database table
-update the telephone number column.

The last form contains three textboxes labeled "StudentID," "Last Name," and "Telephone Number" and a drop down menu with the entries, "Freshman," "Sophomore," "Junior," and "Senior," and a Label control. When the user presses the button, their entry is added to the database.
Use a RegularExpressionValidator control to confirm that the user has entered a properly formatted telephone number. Use RequiredFieldValidator controls to determine if the user entered a string in the other textboxes. Use Try...Catch to display an error message in the Label control if the user tries to enter a student ID that is already stored in the database.

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Please see attached file.

This is a web application for managing student's information.
This has an access database with tables called "tblStudents" and "tblLogin." This table should have the following columns.
StudentID -Text (Primary Key.)
LastName - Text.
TelephoneNumber - Text.
Level (e.g. "sophomore," "junior," etc.)

The table, tblLogin, should have the following columns -
ID - Autonumber (Primary Key.)
UserName - Text (set it to a unique value.)
Password - Text.
Added several records to these ...

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