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To find the sum in normalized floating point representation

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Find the sum in normalized floating point representation:
.38756 E -02 + .74387 E -02 + .63843 E -02

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This solution is comprised of a detailed explanation to find the sum in normalized floating point representation.
It contains step-by-step explanation for finding the sum in normalized floating point representation:
.38756 E -02 + .74387 E -02 + .63843 E -02

Solution contains detailed step-by-step explanation.

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Floating Point Representation of Numbers (V)

Written by :- Thokchom Sarojkumar Sinha

Find the sum in normalised floating point representation:
.38756 E -02 + .74387 E -02 + .63843 E -02

Solution :- .38756 E -02 + .74387 E -02 + .63843 E -02
Let us try to add the first two numerals i.e., .38756 E -02 + .74387 E -02 .
Before doing the addition exponents of the ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, Manipur University
  • MSc, Kanpur University
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