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Royal Dutch Petroleum and Shell Transport and Trading

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1. Analyze the "Organization" & "Constituents" boxes of Argenti's Strategic communication Model for Shell when they were first preparing to release information regarding the sinking of the Brent Spar.

2. Analyze the "Message" & "Feedback" boxes of Argenti's Strategic Communication Model for Shell when they were first preparing to release information regarding the sinking of the Brent Spar.

3. What departments/divisions of Shell are responsible for communicating with the publics following the release of the plans to sink the Brent Spar?

4. Develop a series of change messages that Shell should send to create/maintain positive relations with various publics surrounding the on-shore decommissioning of the Brent Spar.

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Here is just a sample of what you'll find in this solution:

"Of course the public relations department of the company had the most responsibility to explain the plans of sinking Brent Spar; but I believe that company executives tried to finish the plans as quiet as possible. Briefly public relations had very limited authority and freedom to deal with activists and avoid media drawing a false portrait."

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(PS: In this part we have to explain the organization's constituencies, organization's and constituents' expectations from each other, available resources and the organization's credibility)

Argenti's strategic communication model is based on Aristotle's work and it is a painless, straightforward and practical application of proactive communication. This model is actually a collection of interrelated variables that represent a cyclical and ongoing process. Shell's constituencies during the release of information were its executives; German public; German and UK governments and Greenpeace. Shell's executives' main aim was to achieve decommissioning the rig with less spending, technical difficulty and without risking its workers. U.K government was supporting Shell's decisions due to the effects of country's economic benefits. Greenpeace wasn't actually seeing the rig as a major environmental threat; however the organization's main concern was to avoid UK government to decommission other rigs by using Brent spar as an example and therefore avoid a bigger problem. German public was the least informed constituent and they portrayed Shell as an environmentally irresponsible company and a major threat and they ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, Dokuz Eylul University
  • MBA, Texas A&M University-Kingsville
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