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There are four entrances to the Government Center Building i

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There are four entrances to the Government Center Building in downtown Philadelphia. The building maintenance supervisor would like to know if the entrances are equally utilized. To investigate, 400 people were observed entering the building. The number using each entrance is reported below. At the .01 significance level, is there a difference in the use of the four entrances

Entrance Frequency
Main Street 140
Broad Street 120
Cherry Street 90
Walnut Street 50
Total 400

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1. State the null and alternate hypothesis
Let H0 = There is no difference in the use of the four entrances
and Ha = There is difference in the use of the four entrances
a = 0.01

2. State the decision rule
Critical value of the chi-square corresponding to dof = 4 - 1 = 3 and a ...

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