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Government contract on sole source bid to qualified SDVOSB candidate

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Is it fair to ever award a government contract on a sole source bid to a qualified SDVOSB candidate?

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The expert determines if it is fair to ever award a government contract on a sole source bid to a qualified SDVOSB candidate.

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Is it fair to ever award a government contract on a "sole source" bid to a qualified SDVOSB candidate?

Yes it is fair to award a government contract on a sole source bid to qualified SDVOSB. An SDBOSB (Service-disabled veteran-owned small business) is a small business that is at least 51% owned by one or more service disabled veterans. If the business is publicly traded then at 51% of the stocks owned in the company should be owned by one or more of service disabled veterans, with the veterans also being a part of the management of the business or if they have severe or permanent disability, a care giver or ...

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