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Bribery in Business: Do you pay the $50 for the car registration receipt in Thailand?

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Topic: Bribes and exortions

Case: The office manager in the subsidary you are running in Thailand tells you that you she has a problem. In order to complete the sale of her company car, she will have to get the police to fill in the date on the registration and will cost $50 in "unofficial" payments with no receipts. You ask her why she doesnt fill the date herself. She doesn't know the exact date the car was registered. If the dates on the form don't match, the sale on the car cannot be completed.

Question: Do you authorize this expenditure from "petty cash"?

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The 224 word solution states an opinion supported by practical and rational reasons.

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If I am the company owner I would say I have no choice but to authorize this petty cash. The company car needs to be sold, and without the correct registered date it can't be sold and the only way to get the date is through this "unofficial" dealing with the police.

I would probably ask the office ...

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