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Avoiding Declines in Consumer Favorability

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As the company's product manager, your boss (the marketing manager) is concerned about the future success or viability of the product line you oversee. She wants to make sure that you understand the reasons that could cause a popular product to become an unpopular product.

She asked you to meet with her and discuss, from your own experience in the marketplace, 2 manufacturing company's products that seem to have declined in popularity. This decline in consumer favorability severely hurt these other firms.

To avoid this from happening in your own firm, your boss has asked you to describe some examples of this phenomenon and your opinion on why the popularity declined.

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This solution provides a detailed discussion of the factors that lead to the decline of customer favorability of a product and how to avoid this from happening.

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One example is Snapple. The Snapple teas were popular and people liked them, however, they eventually started to fall out of favor. I consider one reason to be the commercials where they would introduce new flavors. People were irritated by them. Also, they introduced so many different kinds of teas and blends, which was overwhelming.

Restaurants fall out of favor and close often, especially chain restaurants. In some areas a restaurant will close in all locations. This is due to the over saturation of restaurant or the pricing of the restaurant, or not being flexible and ...

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