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MNC: advantages and disadvantages of hiring home country personnel

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I need some help on starting this short essay:

In staffing a multinational organization for service outside the IC home country, what are some advantages and disadvantages of hiring home country personnel?

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In a 516 word solution, the response gives a list of 11 advantages and 11 disadvantage of hiring home country personnel. It is a thorough analysis.

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In staffing a multinational organization for service outside the IC home country, what are some advantages and disadvantages of hiring home country personnel?

Advantages of recruiting home country personnel:

1. The home country personnel can easily train in the company and so are well versed with the culture of the company.
2. The home country personnel have a great deal of loyalty that is more than those hired locally.
3. The home country personnel easily understand the goals and objectives of the company and so are able to perform better.
4. Usually, the home country personnel fit the company culture better.
5. The home country personnel are educated and trained to match the needs of the country better.
6. The home country personnel are dedicated to the progress and protection of company interest.
7. The home country personnel ...

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