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Job Evalulation and Incentives in Hospital Jobs

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Use one of the job evaluation methods to establish the relative worth of the following hospital jobs:

FLOOR FINISHER: Operates 19-inch, floor scrubbing machine. Uses various chemicals to remove old finishes from floors and cleans carpets. Uses mops and buckets to clean up residue from floor stripping and applies new finishes. Must have ability to examine old finishes, identify their type, and mix chemical solutions to desired strength to remove old finishes without ruining floor surfaces. Must be able to identify various types of terrazzo and tile flooring composition and use appropriate cleaning agents. Must know several types of polymeric floor finishes and appropriate application to floor surfaces.

CHECKOUT AIDE: Cleans patient's room after the patient checks out of the hospital. Must know procedures for properly cleaning patient room. Must know procedures for stripping off old linen, cleaning bed frame, and remaking patient bed. Must coordinate cleaning with check-in desk so rooms are ready for next scheduled patient. Must be able to use routine germicidal products to ensure safe patient environment.

HOUSEKEEPING AIDE: Must know procedures and germicidal products for cleaning patient rooms. Works on a routine schedule established by department supervisor.

PROJECTS AIDE: Engages in nonroutine labor tasks within hospital. Must be capable of working under general supervision. Typical projects are moving furniture, cleaning up nonrecurring messes (e.g., water puddle caused by broken water pipe), and moving equipment.

FLATIRON ATTENDANT: Works at finishing end of flatiron in hospital laundry. As pressed sheets and other flat linen emerge from flatiron, folds linens and places them on laundry cart. Pushes full carts to linen wareroom.

WASHER-EXTRACTOR OPERATOR: Operates commercial washers up to 3,000-lb capacity and extractors of up to 1,000-lb capacity. Must know how to load and unload washer and extractor. Centrifugal force extractor requires judgment in loading so loads are not out of balance, thereby causing damage to equipment or hazards to employees. Must know appropriate washing formulas to ensure linens are clean, Must know special procedures for assuring that difficult-to-clean stains are handled to salvage the linens. Oversees work of assistant washer/extractor operator.

For this assignment, complete the following tasks:

Establish the relative worth of these jobs using a job evaluation method and provide a rationale for your conclusions.

Use this information to develop an incentive plan and provide a rationale for your incentive strategies.

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Solution Summary

This solution talks about job evaluation and incentive strategy. It explores different job evaluation methods for establishing the relative worth of different hospital jobs.

Solution Preview

1. Floor Finisher:
2. Washer-Extractor Operator:
3. Projects aide:
4. Checkout aide:
5. Housekeeping aide:
6. Flatiron attendant:

Job evaluation method used: Ranking.
The floor finisher has been ranked at the highest level because of the knowledge required in his task. He must not only have a knowledge of operating a floor scrubbing machine but also have a knowledge of floor surfaces and chemical solutions to remove old finishes. The washer extractor must have the ability and the skills to operate up to 3,000 pound washers and extractors of up to 1000 pounds. The projects aide has been ranked next because he must be able to ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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