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Information Systems Analysis

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Preparing for my MBA exam and the questions below have me stumped. Please help.

"It is really difficult to focus on what we want to achieve. I look at what our real competitors, the convenience stores, are doing and think we should copy that. Then a hundred customers come in, and I listen to each of them, and they say we should keep our little store the same, with friendly clerks and old-fashioned cash registers. Then, when I pick up a copy of the Supermarket News, they say that the wave of the future is super grocery stores, with no individual prices marked and UPC scanners replacing clerks. I'm pulled in so many directions I can't really settle on a strategy for our grocery store," admits Mr Robert Baker, owner
and manager of a grocery store.
Apply the concept of permeable organisational boundaries to analyse Mr Baker's problem in focusing on organizational objectives.

Recently, two new analysts have joined your systems analyst group at a newly formed software company. While talking to you about the group, they mention that some things that strike them as odd. One is that group members seem to look up to two group leaders,
Mr Andrew Sobers and Ms Sarah Glover, not just one.
Their observation is that Mr Sobers seems pretty relaxed, whereas Ms Glover is always planning and scheduling activities. They have also observed that everyone "just seems to know what to do" when they get into a meeting, even though no instructions are given. Finally,
they have remarked on the openness of the group in addressing problems as they arise, instead of letting things get out of hand.
a) By the way of explanation to the new team members label the types of leaders Mr Stanley and Ms George appears to be.
b) Explain the statement "everyone just seems to know what to do". What is guiding their behaviour?
c) What concept best describes the openness of the group that the new team members commented on?

Prepare a list of activities for an online travel agent who is setting up a Web site for customers to book a flight, make direct purchases,and choose their own seats. Now suppose you are running out of time. Describe some of your options. Describe what you will trade off to get the Web site released in time.

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Information Systems Analysis is discussed in great detail in this solution.

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"It is really difficult to focus on what we want to achieve. I look at what our real competitors, the convenience stores, are doing and think we should copy that. Then a hundred customers come in, and I listen to each of them, and they say we should keep our little store the same, with friendly clerks and old-fashioned cash registers. Then, when I pick up a copy of the Supermarket News, they say that the wave of the future is super grocery stores, with no individual prices marked and UPC scanners replacing clerks. I'm pulled in so many directions I can't really settle on a strategy for our grocery store," admits Mr Robert Baker, owner
and manager of a grocery store.
Apply the concept of permeable organisational boundaries to analyse Mr Baker's problem in focusing on organizational objectives:
The boundaries of Mr. Baker's grocery store is a function of many influences: There is the stream of customers that visit his store, the location of the store, the policies and procedures relating to his interaction with customers and his level of interactions with his suppliers.
The concept of permeable boundaries is that the boundary that divides an organization from its environment is similar to the membrane of a cell, it has to let some things out and let some things in.
In case of Mr. Barker he needs to let the feedback from his customers in, he needs to know that they like, get himself updated on the latest technology available for stores and keep himself abreast of the developments in the convenience stores. However, he has to focus first on his objectives. His objective must be to increase his profitability and sales. He should adapt ...

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