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Critical factors and weights for high scores representations

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A location analysis for Temponi Controls, a small manufacturer of parts for high-technology cable systems, has been narrowed down to four locations. Temponi will need to train assemblers, testers, and robotics maintainers in local training centers. Cecilia Temponi, the president, has asked each potential site to offer training programs, tax breaks, and other industrial incentives. The critical factors, their weights, and the ratings for each location are shown in the table below. High scores represent favorable values.
________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________
Factor Weight Akron, OH Biloxi, MS Carthage, TX Denver, CO
________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________
Labor availability 0.20 85 80 90 90
Technical school quality 0.10 95 75 65 85
Operating cost 0.25 80 80 85 85
Land and construction cost 0.20 60 80 90 70
Industrial incentives 0.15 85 75 85 50
Labor cost 0.10 75 80 80 75
________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

(a) Compute the composite (weighted average) rating for each location.
Akron: ____________
Biloxi: ____________
Carthage: ____________
Denver: ____________
Round your answer to 1 decimal place; for example, 12.3 .
(b) Which site would you choose?

(a) Biloxi
(b) Denver
(c) Carthage
(d) Akron

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Solution Summary

The solution examines the critical factors and weights for high score representations.

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