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Total Contribution Margin at Break Even Point

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The following monthly data in contribution format are available for Rhys Company and its only product, Product SD:

Total Per Unit

Sales $ 83,700 $ 279
Variable expenses 32,700 109
_________ _______
Contribution margin 51,000 $ 170
Fixed expenses 40,000
Net operating Income $ 11,000

Scenarios b, c and d are independent of each other. Show calculations for b, c and d.


a. Without resorting to calculations, what is the total contribution margin at the break even point?
b. Management is contemplating the use of plastic gearing rather than metal gearing in product SD.This change would reduce variable expenses by $ 18 per unit. The company's sales manger predicts that this would reduce the overall quality of the product and thus would result in a decline in sales to a level of 250 units per month. Should this change be made?
c. Assume that Rhys Company is currently selling 300 units of Product SD per month. Management wants o increase sales and feels this can be done by cutting the selling price by $ 22 per unit and increasing the advertising budget by $ 20,000 per month.
Management believes that these actions will increase unit sales by 50%.Should these changes be made?
d. Assume that Rhys Company is currently selling 300 units of Product SD. Management wants to automate a portion of the production process for Product SD.The new equipment would reduce direct labor costs by $ 20 per unit but would result in a monthly rental cost for the new robotic equipment of $ 10,000.Management believes that the new equipment will increase the reliability of product SD thus resulting in an increase in monthly sales of 12%.Should these changes be made?

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Solution Summary

The total contribution margin at the break even point is calculated.

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The following monthly data in contribution format are available for Rhys Company and its only product, Product SD:

Total Per Unit
Sales $ 83,700 $ 279
Variable expenses 32,700 109
_________ _______
Contribution margin 51,000 $ 170
Fixed expenses 40,000
Net operating Income $ 11,000

Scenarios b, c and d are independent of each other. Show calculations for b, c and d.


a. Without resorting to calculations, what is the total ...

Solution provided by:
  • B. Sc., University of Nigeria
  • M. Sc., London South Bank University
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  • "thank you Chidi Ngene.. if you have any APA references would be great"
  • "Thank you so much for your help, your explanations were easy to understand and apply!"
  • "are you able to highlight the equations used either on the xlsx or a word doc as to how each graph was formed- overall looks fine i just need help understanding this myself"
  • "Chidi Ngene, M. Sc. Was extremely helpful as without the help and guidance I would have failed, but with the help I passed. I still have a lot to learn and in need of the guidance to understand and learn more on the subject. I would recommend Chidi Ngene and BrainMass to anyone that are in need of help. Thank you!!"
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